
Feb 26, 2013

Forward Thrusting Shoulder Line & Shoulder Bone Minor Tune-Up

This is Part 3 of the video series on adjusting or altering the slope and position of the shoulder line on your bodice pattern.  The information in this video is applicable to any bodice pattern.

Here you are going to see 2 different scenarios.  In the first situation or variation, your shoulder seam line always tends to pull toward the back.  As it does, the front neckline rides up and often times you feel like you're being choked.  This is because your natural shoulder line on your body is riding forward.  Which means that the shoulder line on the bodice back needs to become longer to go this distance over the top of your shoulder towards the front.  And the front shoulder seam line needs to get shorter or have less height to it.

In variation #2, only your shoulder bone is rocked or thrust forward not your entire shoulder line.  This means that only the shoulder point on the pattern is moved forward and the neck point is left as is.

If either of these shoulder situations are ones that you experience, then this video is for you.

And if you find this video of benefit, please share it on your blog or Facebook page.  I'm always appreciative when you share the Sure-Fit Designs videos.  Kindly, Glenda

Feb 19, 2013

Shoulders not level? You need this Asymmetrical Pattern Tune-Up

If you have asymmetrical shoulders, you will likely experience the visual effect first - your bodice/shirt/jacket droops on one side only.  And when looking at yourself in a mirror, you can see that your shoulders aren't level.

You'll likely appreciate watching this video on how to refine the fit of your bodice pattern so that the pattern will now conform to your unique shoulder slope.

My friend, Miss Molly Mannequin, helps me out yet once again to show you how simple it is to make this pattern refinement.

If you know anyone else with an asymmetrical body shape, feel free to pass this information along.

Feb 12, 2013

SFD Pants Fitting Course now on DVD

I know so many of you have wanted to attend a Sure-Fit Designs Hands-on class...but can't for any number of reason (family/work commitments, health, travel etc.), so...Sure-Fit Designs is now able to come to you.

This past weekend, I've announced the new Pants Fitting Course on DVD.  It's a 2-DVD set of pants fitting and sewing instruction - 14 comprehensive Lessons - lots of close-ups - easy to follow and understand.  You really can take your pants fitting and sewing to the next level and sew like the pros.

These next 2 videos show you highlights of the Pants Fitting Course and Lesson 1.

Lesson 1 Highlights:
Receive a 20% discount if ordered before Feb. 19. 2013.

Click on the following link -

Feb 5, 2013

Sloped Shoulder Minor Tune-Up/Alteration

This is Part 2 of the short Shoulder Line video series and it offers you information on how to draw a sloping shoulder alteration on your bodice pattern.  Whether it be with the Sure-Fit Designs Dress or Shirt pattern, or with any other bodice pattern for that matter, this refinement is very easy to do.  In this video I show you a quick way to identify if you have a sloping shoulder and if you do, how to determine how much to change the shoulder slope.

If this is one of your body-fitting-issues, I know you'll appreciate this video.

Feel free to share this video on your personal blog or Facebook page.  Thanks for spreading the word about the Sure-Fit Designs fitting and sewing system.  Kindly, Glenda