
Feb 24, 2015

Cover Stitch Tips & Tecniques

Some of you might be considering the purchase of a Cover Stitch machine.  If you have space in your sewing room, let me tell you, it's well worth it.

About 1 1/2 years ago, I was in the market for a new serger and settled on the Baby Lock Evolution...which I love by the also had cover stitch capabilities.  And it did a good job of covering stitching, but it always seemed like I needed that cover stitch feature right in the middle of the project.  Then I'd have to move the needles back to regular serging, change the knife position (again) and change the cover plate.  All easy enough to do, but time consuming and an interruption in the whole construction process.

So not too long ago, I decided it was definitely time to have a separate machine just for this cover stitch function.  I choose a Janome 1000 CPX...and I absolutely love it.

Here's a short video on the tips and techniques that were taught to me on threading the machine and starting and stopping a line of stitching.  I hope you find it beneficial.

The vest that I show you during this video is finally completed.  Here's a photo.

That's 'reverse' cover stitching on the princess seam.

Watch your February SFD newsletter for the announcement of this Reversible Vest Fashion's coming soon.

Glenda...the Good Stitch!

Feb 17, 2015

Skirt Styles to Suit Just You!

In the survey from a couple of weeks ago where I asked what Sure-Fit Designs can do for you to help with your fitting and sewing, a number of ladies asked for information on how to choose the best style of garment for their body shape.

Enter in Inside Out Style and Imogene Lamport.  She does a remarkable job of teaching you what your body shape is and what styles will look best on your frame.  I wouldn't even try to duplicate her expertise when she does such a good job.  I actually introduced Imogene to you a number of months ago, but this is definitely worth repeating, particularly for all our newcomers.

A couple of days ago, her blog post was titled 'The Best Skirt for Your Body Shape'.  I'm going to encourage all of you to take a few minutes to scroll through her blog site...there's more where this came from.

This is an informative blog and as you get into her Body Shapes page, you'll discover all kinds of valuable information on analyzing your body shape and learning what styles look best on it.

She doesn't always talk about specific garment styles for body shapes, but I always find her blogs of value.  If this is a topic of interest to you, her blog is definitely worth following.

Thanks so much, Imogene, for sharing your vast knowledge on this topic.

Glenda...the Good Stitch!

Feb 10, 2015

Reversible Vest - New Fashion Leaflet

In your recent survey responses, so many of you asked for more downloadable Fashion Leaflets.  'Just keep 'em coming' one lady said.

So here's the newest...a Reversible Vest.  And while it's still winter in our northern climates, you might want to use fleece for either the fashion fabric or the lining.  I choose kind of a puffy, textured fashion fabric (fiber content unknown - thank goodness it didn't melt when pressed!) and lined it with fleece.

By way of designing this vest, I used Princess style lines, but show you how to eliminate the side seam by drawing a modified princess line in the back and connecting to the front side panel.  The SFD Dress Kit bodice is the base pattern for this particular design.

It requires a reversible, separating zipper which you should be able to find at your local fabric store, and if not, I'm sure you can get them online (though I didn't need to do that search as my local Jo Ann store had just what I was looking for).

The collar, armholes and hem edge are bound with double-wide fleece binding typically used on quilts and baby blankets.

You can pick up your downloadable copy at www, - Downloadable Leaflets.  It's in a handy PDF format which is easy for you to print out.  Click Here

Happy Designing & Sewing!
Glenda...the Good Stitch!

Feb 3, 2015

A BIG Thank you!

  What's in the blog?

1. A big, big thank you!
2. Narrowing the Pants Leg
3. Your favorite sewing notion

A Great Big Thanks

Glenda the Good Stitch is saying many, many thanks to all of you who took the time to complete the survey questions from last week.  Wow!  Did you ever provide lots of food for thought and great topics for the Good Stitch to discuss in the coming weeks and months.

I generally don't repeat blog information very often, but we've had an influx of new SFD followers, and obviously they don't all know what you might know.

Narrowing the Pants Leg

One respondent asked about the leg width of the SFD Pants pattern.  She said that due to her larger hip circumference, when the pants pattern was said and done, she felt the leg width was too wide.  Even though the leg width doesn't grade out as wide as was needed for the hip circumference, for her height, she wanted the leg narrower.  Personal preference comes into play her, as some ladies might say the leg width was just fine.

So here's a video showing you how to narrow the leg.  It's very simple to do as long as you keep the amount removed basically the same on the inseam and side seam.

I often get asked how long the pant length should be.  First, it all depends on the height of heel you'll be wearing with that particular style of pants.  Generally, the higher the heel height the longer the pant length. 

In addition to heel height, you also need to think about hem circumference.  Here's a little rule of thumb for the length and circumference of the hem:  The skinnier/narrower the width of the pants leg (like in skinny jeans), the shorter the pant length should likely be.  The wider the circumference of the pant hem (as in flared leg pants), the longer the pant leg should likely be.

Once again, for those of you how are relatively new to Sure-Fit Designs and may not be aware of all the educational resources we offer, make sure you spend some time in the SFD Learning Center Video Library.

Your Most Favorite and Useful Sewing Notion??

And on a totally different topic, please use the comment box below to tell me the most important (sewing) notion you'd simply never want to be without when garment sewing.

Thanks so much,
Glenda...the Good Stitch!