
Jan 18, 2012

Why did I Retire?

I know some of you don’t know that I (we) left the sewing business for a period of time.  Quite recently, a loyal customer from years ago asked why I ‘stopped’ during these years.  I thought, ‘Hmm, that’s interesting!  I wondered how many others of our long-time customers had the same question.”

So here it is.  I wasn't getting any younger (no surprise there) and we'd been traveling (worldwide) by then for close to 20 years.  I was quite tired of living out of suitcases, eating in restaurants, and sleeping in uncomfortable hotel beds.  So we 'retired' - well, at least semi-retired. I always kept busy doing one thing or another, but after having re-painted all the rooms in our home, ripped off dated wall-paper, did a kitchen remodel and 2 bathroom remodels, my husband had had enough.  Next I wanted to rip out a couple of walls and convert 2 rooms into a main-floor master.  He didn't want to.  That was no surprise either.

What to do with myself? Some of you who know me, know I’m always busy doing one thing or another and I’d rather have it be a ‘productive something’.  I decided it was time to give some of my talent and skill back to the community, so I started offering fitting/sewing classes.  You know what happened.  One thing led to another, the ladies wanted the SFD kits/products and of course it all just started to snowball. 

We started investigating how best to get the patterns and books printed.  Of course, the entire industrial printing scene had changed dramatically since even 6 years ago.  Now we could Print on Demand instead of buying 1000's and 1000’s of units. Small quantity purchases now became very long as the product was digitized.  That was the kicker!  After deciding to go forward, we then spent literally months digitizing the books and all the accessory items. 

Also by then, the entire face of the internet had changed as well.  Wes, my husband, has always been ahead of the curve.  Years ago, he used to say to me, ‘Wouldn’t it be fabulous if our ladies could see you over the computer and you could work with them right from here?’  That was long before Skype.  It was also long before YouTube was so readily available and so widely used.  Now we've got these fabulous resources, and I can literally stay at home in the comfort of my own office and sewing studio, and let the Internet reach customers worldwide...and that is exactly what has happened.  I get to sleep in my own bed, eat my own food and I really don't need to travel unless I want to.
Though I miss our month-long winter sojourns to warmer climates, I am thoroughly enjoying being back in the saddle. 

Thanks to all of you, our loyal customers both ‘old and new’, for being a part of our Sure-Fit Designs™ family.


  1. Jerry and I tried to retire once too. All it did was make us busier than ever. Maybe we shouldn't do that again! Enjoyed reading your story.
    Hugs, Joy

  2. Glenda I think the internet is amazing and I am grateful for it. I managed to complete a Masters mostly over the web which I would never have been able to do in the time pre-internet. I would never have been able to find the time to get to class, search the library and type assignments while managing full time work and a school age family. In addition it is unlikely I would have found SFD either!!! When I read a teeny article about you I googled and voila - there you were - waiting for me :-). Now, if I am stuck with a design issue using your system I can watch you on You Tube or email you. And... the time difference doesn't impact either. I am so glad that you came out of retirement. Una in Oz

  3. Thanks Una. We are so fortunate to be living in this Internet age. I have absolutely love learning all the new software. They say the ticket to keeping young at heart (as our bodies totally fall apart :), is challenging your brain with new concepts and experiences. The Internet and all the software capabilities has certainly put mine to the test. I love it!

  4. Hi Glenda, yes I remember when you "retired", I was devastated as I had no idea where I was going to get my tracing vellum from. I tried many other mediums with not as good a result. In the end I put the SFD kit away and stopped sewing for a while. One day while reading my "Dressmaking with Stitches" magazine, I saw an article by yourself for SFD and I was sooo excited. I quickly typed in the web address and there you were larger than life. I am so happy you are back and I have access to all your online help and able to purchase your wonderful tracing vellum again, plus the new books you have produced. Thank you so much for coming out of retirement. It is great to have you back....xo :)

  5. Dear Bev, I'm happy to be back! I'm too busy most of the time, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Thanks for your 'welcome back' message. Great to hear from you.
