
Apr 16, 2013

Fitting Commercial Patterns - Last But not Least!

This video is the last in this short mini-series on fitting commercial patterns using your Sure-Fit Designs bodice blueprint from the SFD Dress Kit.

My intention was that this video information has helped you to feel more comfortable working with your body blueprint in coordination with your commercial patterns.  Some patterns are going to be far more complicated than others.  I encourage you to initially start off with something simple.

FCP - Example #3:
Another way in which to incorporate some of the design features from a commercial pattern, is simply to use a specific pattern piece.  Perhaps you see a collar that you dearly love and have to have.  If you're unsure  of how to draw it yourself, simply use the element from the commercial pattern and apply it on to your SFD blueprint/sloper.  And depending on the shape and placement of the collar, you may need to re-draw the SFD neckline.  Once again, just copy it off of the commercial pattern...then apply their collar.  Of course, during construction, you'd follow along with their sewing construction steps.  You end up blending the best of both worlds.

Have fun!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for these posts Glenda they are very helpful, Una
