
Jul 29, 2014

Made in a Day!

WELCOME...Made in a Day!

I'm opening up a new page in this blog called Made in a Day.  You'll see this page on the top navigation bar immediately to the right of the Home button. The garments you'll see featured are ones that could generally be easily made in a day.

I know some of you sew faster than others.  I know we often have unforeseen 'oopses' that take longer than we wish they would to correct.  And I know that many of you due to family and work commitments don't have a full day to devote to any project, much less a sewing project.  But all things considered, the projects you'll see will all be ones that could be made in a day under ideal circumstances.

Simple to design...simple to sew...that's the objective.  There are all kinds of designs already offered within the Sure-Fit Designs instructional materials and information that would fall into this category.  So for those of you who are either new to sewing or new to designing and sewing your own garments, these suggestions would be excellent starting options.

Sometimes there might be a Fashion Leaflet that shows you how to design/sew the item.  Sometimes the project will already be featured in one of the kit instruction books or in one of the designing books (Pants that Mix n Multiply or Beyond Bodice Basics or Sew Sensational Shirts).  Sometimes I might have produced a video for your instructions.  Other times, it might just be instructions within the blog.  One way or the other, you should be able to access enough information to make the project.

You'll be able to recognize the project by the new logo 'Made in a Day'.

I'd love to hear what you think of this idea, so please use the comment box below and let me know what you think.

And for those of you who have your own blog, please feel free to share this SFD 'Made in a Day' page with them...the more the merrier!

Glenda...the Good Stitch!
P.S.  I'd love to know what sewing projects you've made in a day (or ones that would fall into this category).  And I'd love to see your photos.

Jul 22, 2014

Planning Ahead - PPO

Project management, planning & organization (and thinking ahead).  As with any project, PPO is very important!  Unless, of course, you've already done it a million times before and you know the process inside out.  So when planning a sewing project, you kind of have to think it through on the front end.  Not just fabric you want to sew it from, but when you're designing from a your body blueprint (a sloper), you need to think through the entire project.

This is actually easier than it may initially sound, since the majority of you reading this blog already know how to sew.  The following are preliminary questions:
  • What do you want it to look like?
  • What are the dominant design features?
  • What pattern pieces will be the major players - like fronts - back - sleeve?
  • What pattern pieces are needed in the supporting role - like facings - plackets - collar - cuffs?
  • What length do you want?
  • How much ease do you want?
  • Will it be sewn from a knit or woven fabric?
  • How is it all going to go together - the sewing construction steps?
  • Do you know of a garment in ready-to-wear (or perhaps one hanging in your wardrobe) that you can copy?
  • Do you have an old commercial pattern somewhere in your pattern stash that can help?

To help you 'see your way' through the initial designing of a sewing project, we produced a video looking at what to evaluate when drawing and copying a ready-to-wear blouse.  Blogger cooperated this time and let me paste this video into the blog.  I hope you'll take the few minutes to watch my thought process and also where to get SFD resources to help you find the information you need for your desired sewing project.
Perhaps this will help you in designing your next project with your SFD body blueprint.  Whether it's a blouse (from the Dress Kit), pants or a dartless casual shirt (from the Shirt Kit) the information presented should assist.

Here's a photo of the finished blouse.   You know the old saying 'Practice makes perfect'... and though it's not does get easier with each new project.

Yes, it's a sheer fabric, which I seldom wear.  And if you'd like to know more about working with sheers (and my sheer experience), make sure you reference these 2 short blogs:

Glenda...the Good Stitch!

Jul 15, 2014

July 2014 Fit & Sew Retreat - a Photo Story

Last week saw a group of extremely eager and positive women attend the summer Fit & Sew Retreat with me here in Eugene Or.  They came in all shapes, heights, sizes, dimensions...and they came with their abundant enthusiasm.  It put the SFD Pants and Dress master patterns to the test and they came out with flying colors.

If you're interested in attending the October class, due to unexpected cancellations, I still have one space available.  It's October 19 - 24 and the Early Bird Discount deadline is this coming Saturday July 19.  For more information click here - SFD Fit & Sew Retreat.

Here's a photo journey of the events of the past week. 
In attendance were 2 Canadians, 3 Californians, and one local lady from Eugene, OR.

Everyone accomplished a lot.  Everyone got at least one of the final pattern projects underway.  Many got final projects finished plus more.  They are all to be commended for their positive attitudes, cheerfulness, and their cooperation with one another.

I feel very privileged to have met each and every student - they were a delight to teach and work with.

Thank you all for attending,
Glenda...the Good Stitch!

Jul 8, 2014

Princess Pretty - Part 2

Last week I began a review of designing and drawing the basic princess line.  The videos showed you how to draw this design line into either the shoulder seam line or the armscye - whichever your preference, they're both easy.

This week, I'd like to show you how easy it is to shape that princess seam and nip it in at your midriff and waistline.  It really is just a matter of stitching on either side of the waist-fitting dart, but for whatever reason, sometimes this is a difficult concept to grasp.

First, let's take a look at this photo.  You'll see the princess line bodice comes in fairly close to the mannequin's waist circumference.
Now, take a look at the short video on how to shape this seam to your midriff and waistline.

Next, I'll show you how to draw the princess line that comes from the armscye but it bisects the bust dart.  You actually end up with a short remainder of bust dart aiming to your apex.  Now, what's interesting about this design is that it really does nothing for waist shaping.  You'll see by the photos that the waist tends to stand away from the mannequin.  This is because that's the waist-fitting dart (space) and nothing has been done with it.  Yes, you can stitch this as a shaped dart.  It all depends on the finished look you'd like to have.

Here's the video explaining this process.

Now, last but certainly not least, is what to do with the back bodice and how to create the princess line back there.  Again, some get stumped when there isn't a bust fitting dart that is used for the princess line.  Basically, it's simply a matter of drawing the design line where you want it, slashing and spreading the pattern and adding seam allowances.  But you can slash down through the center of the back waist-fitting dart and then up to the shoulder or armscye.  And if you have a shoulder dart, then you'd cut on either side of the dart, which when your seam allowances are added, you incorporate the shoulder blade shaping.
I hope you can see the princess seams in the back of this blouse, it's kind of a busy fabric, but I love wearing it.

Here's the short video on designing the princess line in the bodice back, but you'll need to click on this link -
For whatever reason, Blogger isn't letting me actually find this video to paste in this blog.  Fortunately, it's easy enough for you to click on the link.  It's well worth watching if you've ever been a little shy of designing the princess line in the bodice back.

In addition to these videos, don't forget you can find the written general instructions for princess line designing on page 32 of the Dress Kit Instruction Book.

Don't be timid...have fun...and have a go!

Glenda...the Good Stitch!

Jul 1, 2014

Pretty Princess - Part 1

Everybody loves the princess line design line and so they should. This bodice design line (if fitted properly to the position and fullness of your bust) is extremely flattering. The design lines are visually slenderizing because they are vertical.

I've previously discussed princess line designing and there are instructions on page 32 of the Dress Kit Instruction book but still I receive questions on how to incorporate more waistline shaping, how to do the princess line in the back of the bodice and how to draw the princess line that is offset more toward the underarm and that has a little portion of bust fitting dart remaining.

To help you better understand princess lines and how to design them, I've added 4 more instructional videos (completely free).  (P.S. If you haven't been to the SFDLearningCenter in awhile, there are a number of new videos on a variety of topics.)

In this blog, I'll review the two options for princess line placement - either in the shoulder line or going into the armscye. The easiest one to design and sew is the princess line into the shoulder line. The armscye princess seam is only slightly more challenging to sew, but not to design, and that's because you'll have two opposing curves to sew together. And...the larger your bust, and the lower the armscye curvature, the greater the seamline curves will be and hence a little more challenging to sew together.

This blouse features the princess line that is designed up to the shoulder line.

This video shows the basic process of designing a princess line into the shoulder seam.


This video shows the basic process of designing a princess line into the armscye.

Next week I'll show you more in-depth detail on how to shape this princess line through your midriff to your waist level.

Glenda...the Good Stitch!