
Mar 29, 2016

Designing Stylus smudges & graphite removal!

How to clean your Designing Stylus?  That's the topic of this blog.  I know I suggest that you use a regular pencil for drawing all your SFD patterns.  And after a time, the graphite from the pencil lead marks and smudges your Stylus.  This happens to everyone's Stylus.

One of our Australian customers asked how to clean it, so I went right to the source...the plastic material supplier.  I used to use regular soap and warm water, which did an adequate job.  But no more.  You want to get one of those Mr. Clean Magic sponges.  In Australia, for all our down-under customers, it's called 'Chux Magic Eraser'.  It's one of those weird little white sponges that has some kind of an cleaner embedded in it.  Wow...does it work well.  Use it dry.

Here's a before and after photo.
The customer who sent this photo put it next to her Designer's Companion which hadn't been used yet to show the difference in what the pencil graphite did.  I've seen them much smudgier than this after 6 days in a Fitting Retreat.

AFTER Mr. Clean Magic Sponge:
It cleaned up as good as new!  Clean the front side won't take the SFD markings off.

Here's a short little video showing you just how well this works:

This little sponge is also great for cleaning the iron's sole plate after stickies have melted on it.

Make sure to add this inexpensive to your collection of necessities in your sewing room.  You can get these little wonders at stores like Walmart, Bed Bath and Beyond, and Target.

Happy Sewing!

Mar 22, 2016

Video Tutorials: Button Extensions & Facings

Recently I was asked that by a beginner seamstress 'What's a facing'?  When I ask my husband a question and he looks at me as if I'm from outer space...I say to him, "I wouldn't have asked the question if I knew the answer"!  We all have to start somewhere.

There are 2 types of facings - sewn on and turn-back facings. A facing is either separate piece of fabric or an extension of the fabric that is used to finish and enclose a raw edge   The shape of the facing is a repetition of the area to be faced.  The videos below will help to make this all more understandable.

Here are 3 video tutorials.  Two of them have to deal with drawing facings, but the first one you'll see is on how to add a button extension.  In essence, a button extension, when it is turned back into the inside could also be considered a facing treatment for the area of the garment where you want the buttons - whether that be the front, back or side seam of a garment.

So here you go.  Part 1 - Adding a Button Extension

Part 2 - Adding and drawing facings (in general)

Part 3 - How to draw a V-Neck Facing

I hope you find these helpful.  If you're new to Sure-Fit Designs, you'll find more instructional tutorials in the Sure-Fit Designs Learning Center Video Library.

Happy fitting & sewing!

Mar 15, 2016

Dress Kit Contest Winner!

Most of you know that we ran a 'Win a Dress Kit Contest' (or $50 toward the purchase of SFD items) in celebration of our new Little Black Dress online course.

The contest is over and the lucky winner is Mikki Boyd.

Mikki is brand new to Sure-Fit Designs.  She said, 'I'm so excited to win this fabulous prize.  I've been wanting to place an order but was waiting for the (contest) announcement of the winner...and it's me!!  I can't wait to try out this fitting system.  I've heard great reviews about it.  I've been watching and learning from your videos too.  You're a fabulous teacher!  Thank you again for offering this wonderful glad I'm the lucky winner.'  And I'm delighted she is too.

And just in case some of you missed the Little Black Dress announcement, my latest online course - Designing and Sewing the Little Black Dress', is being offered exclusively on  It can be accessed via this link -

Here's what the dress looks like:
In the course lessons, I actually sewed the Little 'BLUE' Dress since black is really hard to light up and photograph or video.  The details are much more visible sewing with the blue fabric.

Once again, congratulations Mikki, and welcome to the Sure-Fit Designs community.
Happy Sewing!

Mar 8, 2016

The Kimberly Blouse - a new designing project

I love sharing designing ideas with you.  And if you're not currently a member of our Sure-Fit Designs Facebook group, you would have missed the latest designing project.

It's called the 'Kimberly Blouse' in honor of one of our recent Facebook group members.
The most interesting part about this entire project is that it was Kimberly's first ever Sure-Fit Designs project.  Not only that, Kimberly had just recently acquired her SFD Kits.  In less than 1 1/2 months, Kimberly tested and finished her test bodice blueprint and then went immediately into this first project.

I thought this would be a great story and project to share with everyone and Kimberly so graciously agreed to be the topic of one of our Sure-Fit Designs how-to videos.  If you haven't yet seen this video and you have a few minutes, I think you'll enjoy the entire story.

I needed a new blouse and what a great way to show you the exact designing process by way of designing one for myself.  Totally fun, easy to do and almost qualifies for one of our Made in a Day projects.

And needless to say, Kimberly didn't stop there.  She is literally charging down the road and has sewn what she is calling her 'Spring Collection'.  If you want to see more and aren't yet a member of the SFD Facebook group, I invite you to join - all you need is a Facebook page, and then simply request to join.  It is a 'closed' group. All this means is that photos and comments shared are shared only within the group, not for the whole world to read/see.  But you are still welcome to join. Sure-Fit Designs Facebook group

 Here are a couple more pieces that Kimberly has sewn. Yes, of course, all from her Sure-Fit Designs Dress Kit pattern.

Happy Sewing to all of you!

Mar 1, 2016

June 2016 Fit & Sew Retreat

Hi everyone,

So many of you have wanted a Sure-Fit Designs Fit & Sew Retreat this year...I was planning on a hiatus...but the best laid plans of mice and men often change.
The good news is that there will now be one Retreat June 4 -9, 2016 in Eugene Oregon. This Retreat has been offered to my 'short-list' of interested attendees and currently there is now only (one) 1 student space remaining.

  • This is offered on a first come first serve basis. Meaning whoever calls (541 – 344-0422 – Oregon PST) and books the soonest will be able to attend.
  • This Retreat is limited to 5 students – you really do receive individualized attention. There is 1 space remaining.
  • Dates: Saturday June 4 through Thursday June 9, 2016. Time: 9 AM to 5 PM each day.
  • You would need to arrive by Friday June 3 if you’re flying in from out of town.
  • 6-day Retreat: Pants Fitting (day 1-3) and Bodice Fitting (day 4-6).
  • Cost: $899.00 (if you already have your Dress & Pants Kits, Stylus, Vellum and designing book Pants that Mix n Multiply). Otherwise, the cost is $999.00 if you need to purchase above mentioned kits & supplies.
  • Hotel: will cost $99.00/night + $10.95 tax. These suites have complete kitchen facilities – they do not provide breakfast.
  • What you will receive:
    1. 6 days intense, individualized instruction and fitting assistance, including a lecture/demo on fitting commercial patterns.
    2. Gift bag including (some) drawing/drafting supplies
    3. Non-stretch elastic for your Yoga/Travel/Comfort pants project
    4. Waistband interfacing
    5. High cutting table – 1 per student – no need to share your space
    6. Use of a sewing machine and serger if needed – no need to bring your own
    7. Transportation to and from the hotel to the sewing studio (You will need to take a shuttle/taxi from the airport to the hotel)
    8. Lunch is provided on Day 1 – Saturday. Convenient restaurants are near the Sewing Studio.
    9. Fabric shopping field trip. There are 2 (small) fabric stores within walking distance. We will go there on Wednesday or Thursday.
  • A deposit of $450.00 is required at the time of reserving your attendance. The balance is due April 19, 2016. Class fees are non-refundable.
  • Also, please note, this fitting class is not suitable for severe asymmetry (scoliosis or severe stooped posture due to osteoporosis) normal high/low shoulders or hips we deal with all the time. Nor is it suitable for plus size measurements that go beyond the master patterns graded measurements.
Currently, there is no additional information on my website therefore your reservation and payment will need to be done by phone. Please remember we are in Oregon – Pacific Standard Time.

These retreats always fill quickly. Please contact me as soon as you can decide. 541-344-0422 (OR - PST).
Thanks so much for your interest,
Glenda the Good Stitch