
Oct 3, 2017

Sept 2017 Fit & Sew Retreat - a Photo Story

The September Sure-Fit Designs Fit & Sew Retreat, with another 6 lovely ladies, concluded 9/21.  I've put together some photos of their journey from Day 1 when we began 3 days of Pants Fitting and concluded with 3 days of Bodice Fitting. 

We had a variety of fitting issues, but all came out at the end with patterns that fit their unique body shapes.  Here's a selection of photos representing their journey.

Day 1 - the group photo

Then we began the bodice/blouse drafting & sewing.

The final group shot during our Celebration and Certificate event.

Happy accomplished students.
Well done everyone!


  1. What a great class. Especially the students helping students. We all learned from one another. Thanks everyone. - Sandy D.

  2. Hi was my pleasure to have you attend this Fit Retreat.
