
Sep 18, 2018

Peplums: Pure & Simple

I recently wore this blouse with peplum at a Fit & Sew Retreat.  All the students loved it and so I thought I'd share it with you.

With the dominant pattern, it's a little difficult to see, but it buttons up to the waist level, then releases into the peplum feature.  The bust dart has been transferred up to the shoulder line and then stitched in a release pleat.  You'll find direction to transfer the bust dart on pages 24 & 25 of the Sure-Fit Designs Dress Kit Instruction book.  The 3/4 length sleeve has a little fullness at the hem level and is finished with a narrow band.
The back bodice is pretty simple.  I left the waist-fitting darts out - meaning they are there in the pattern, but not sewn.  The resulting dart width space gave a little bit of fullness/gathering before attaching the peplum.  I also added a narrow bow tie that is inserted into the side seam and then tied at center back.  This is not a feature I'd normally wear, but it worked well with the peplum feature.
The Peplum instructions are found on the 4-pg Fashion Design Sheet that you see in the above photo.
The other designs given in those instructions include garment shirring, inset godets, asymmetrical yoke designing and a tulip-flipped flounce skirt.  You can order the download version of the Fashion Design Sheet from this page.  These digital Fashion Leaflets and other Digital E-goods are also available from the SFD international distributors.

Ah...the's the S-Curved neckline that I've used on a couple of blouses.  It's got a feminine curve to it which is drawn by using the mini-Stylus...the Designer's Companion drawing tool.  The directions for this feminine neckline style are found on page 54 of the Dress Kit Instruction Book.

Have fun designing and sewing!
Glenda the Good Stitch

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