
Dec 4, 2018

Know your Resources from Sure-Fit Designs

We love making new videos for your continued education and learning experiences with Sure-Fit Designs.

The 2 latest ones are just perfect for our new members wondering where to start with the Sure-Fit Designs fitting and sewing system.  First I address the multitude of resources that Sure-Fit Designs offers to help you on your way to successful fitting of your body shape - titled Sloper and Blueprints from Sure-Fit Designs.

Since the videos may not open up from the actual video link provided below, I'll also give the direct link to the YouTube video for your viewing convenience.

Click here if you can't view the video directly below -

In this next video I discuss moving beyond your bodice blueprint with the analysis of a few blouse examples to examine the design lines showing you how easy it is to go beyond your sloper - bodice blueprint - to create a few simple, attractive garments that you'd be proud to wear.  This video is titled - Designing with the Dress Kit Sloper - Blouse Examples.

 Click here if you can't view the video directly below -

We're on a roll!  We're replacing some of the very old videos along with adding new ones to the Learning Center for your benefit and experience (  We currently have over 200+ free educational videos (on YouTube and in the SFD Learning Center), however, if you have suggestions for new topics, we are always open to suggestions and your fact we love receiving your suggestions.  Please send requests directly to Glenda the Good Stitch at

Happy Fitting & Sewing,
Glenda the Good Stitch


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