
Oct 31, 2017


As you browse through traditional pattern catalogues, you'll come across all kinds of styles and designs similar to instructions that are often provided within the Sure-Fit Designs resource material.

Let's take McCall's 7655 as an example.
(Sorry for this photo being a little on the fuzzy side - when enlarged it looses the nice crisp edges).

How easy this would be to copy the simple draping that is featured on the front of this dress.  To design a similar style bodice - whether in a blouse or a dress - you'll find instructions on Fashion Leaflet #10 - Draped Front Bodice found on this page -  This Fashion Leaflet is available in either an easy downloadable format or a hard copy if you prefer.

Our suggested drape is somewhat fuller than shown in the McCall's version.  This is simply a matter of spreading the pattern open in smaller increments than suggested in the Fashion Leaflet.

You'll also notice that the SFD version is featuring the high jewel neckline, whereas the commercial pattern version is a slightly more open neckline.  You'll find neckline variations on page 19 of the Dress Kit instruction book.

Here's a version I've sewn in a comfy dress sewn from the SFD Shirt Kit in a beautiful polyester jacquard.  This draped design feature works well whether you choose your Shirt Kit or Dress Kit.
Have fun designing!
Glenda the Good Stitch

Oct 23, 2017

Annual Tracing Vellum Sale

Sure-Fit Designs Blog
Those of you who use it - love it!  As most of you know, the Sure-Fit Designs Tracing Vellum is the best tracing medium to use when designing and drawing your sewing patterns.

All 3 sizes are at special sale prices.

The benefits?'s strong, durable, can be used as a press cloth and it's see-through which is great for seeing all the drawing details that you need to copy from the SFD Master Patterns and if you use any ink markers, there is absolutely no bleed-through.

it's totally erasable!  Unlike many other tracing mediums, it simply won't go into holes or shred when you need to remove unwanted pencil marks.

it's available in 3 size options:
**10 yd x 24" wide - Reg. $12.95/roll...Buy one, get the second one at 50% off
(minimum 2 rolls of the same size need to be purchased to receive sale price).
Total for 2 (10 yd rolls) = $19.43 +S&H

**20 yd x 24" wide - Reg. $18.95/roll...Buy one, get the second one at 50% off (minimum 2 rolls of the same size need to be purchased to receive sale price).
Total for 2 (20 yd rolls) = $28.43 +S&H

**50 yd x 18" wide - Reg. $35.95/roll...Buy one, get the second one at 50% off (minimum 2 rolls of the same size need to be purchased to receive sale price).
Total for 2 (50 yd rolls) = $53.43 +S&H

It's great to have both the 24" and 18" wide options.  The 24" wide will be required for fuller bust and hip circumferences as well as for drawing wide sleeve patterns.  The 18" wide is great for smaller pattern pieces and there's simply less wastage with this narrower option. Consider having both widths to choose from for the most economical usage.

To purchase your supply, please click here -

These sale prices will be good through Wednesday October 25th 2017 - midnight.  Take advantage of the $ savings.

To purchase from our international distributors see the following:

Participating SFD Distributors (Vellum size options vary with each distributor):

In the
UK/Ireland/EU, please contact Judith Johnson 07968 486337 or go to

Canada, please contact Anna Espindola 403-701-0801 or go to

In Australia/NZ & the Pacific Rim, please contact Martha Schuster 0402 342 099 or go to Australia sale dates Oct 21 - 24, 2017.

If you'd like to see the Tracing Vellum in action, here's a short video:

I know you'll appreciate using this excellent quality tracing vellum.  Go to:

Thanks so much for your order.

Glenda...the Good Stitch!

Oct 17, 2017

Sewing the Waist Button Tab

Remember the canary yellow pants?
The designing instructions are found in the designing book Pants that Mix n Multiply.  In this blog I'm going to discuss the details about how to sew and apply the waist closure tab (In the book, I've called it the Buttonhole Extension Piece).

First of all the left side is closed using an invisible zipper.  (Sure-Fit Designs offers great, easy instructions for applying an invisible zipper in the 4-DVD tutorial set called Make it Sew.  Here you'll find my video instruction for enclosing the bottom of the zipper tape so that you don't get scratched.

Then, you add 1" (2.5cm) wide elastic at the waist edge.  Zigzag it in place thereby attaching it to the top edge of the pants.

Then start constructing the Waist Button Tab (the Buttonhole Extension Piece).
The instruction book tells you to cut the tab shape 3" long by 1" wide.  Cut 2.  Make sure to interface one side for stability but also to stabilize for the buttonhole application.  Sew right sides together.  Trim and grade the seam allowance.  Then for smoothest results when turning right side out, make sure to notch the curved portion of the allowance as shown above.  Here's a close-up of the curve.

Now, turn the tab right sides out.

Press.  Then stitch the buttonhole at the curved end of the tab.

Place on the inside of the waist edge.  Turn the elastic over to enclose the cut end of the tab.
Stitch to secure.

And ta da!...the right side view.

Just add the button on the inside of the opposite side of the waist edge to finish.  This is really a great, easy and neat finish for the waist edge.

Happy Sewing!

Oct 10, 2017

Highlights from the Great British Sewing Bee Live

Well, the Great British Sewing Bee Live has come and gone for this year.

It was a lovely event and provided a great opportunity to get good exposure for Sure-Fit Designs, as well as help people to understand that they can achieve great fitting clothes without having to adapt and alter every pattern.

If you recall, I finished the last blog (Let's Get Physical) with the question of how would we get everything into the cars. Well the answer was; we didn’t even try. We sat in a lovely English pub the evening before and the Committee decided that we actually would hire a van. This was booked before we had finished our meal (courtesy of the pub wifi), and what a good move having a van proved to be.

Whilst it delayed our starting out on the Wednesday morning it didn’t matter. We were still one of the early birds at the exhibition centre.

When we arrived there were still a lot of preparations being undertaken on various stands but ours was ready for us to set up. Unpacked and stand set up off we went back home ready for the early start the following morning.

Overnight the foam carpet in the walkways was added to the previously bare floor. This must have made walking round the show much more comfortable. Here is a ‘before and after’ of our stand. What a remarkable transformation!

Life on the stand was very busy. It was evident that customers who have never heard of the Sure-Fit Designs fitting and sewing system before needed to see a demo to understand it. This is why Glenda’s videos on YouTube are so important outside of exhibitions. It is also why I was really glad to have Heather on the stand every day and additionally Charlotte (both daughters) on the Saturday to actually serve the customers. I spent all day, every day, doing demo after demo and goodness the crowds that built up whilst someone was being measured and pattern drawn were incredible. The picture was taken at the very end of the last day so doesn’t have the crowds that were normally surrounding the stand earlier in the day.

We got very little time to see the show and exhibition in action since we were so busy teaching in our stand, but it was lovely to see the Liberty in Fashion exhibition and many of the actual garments that had been created in the BBC TV shows, before the exhibition opened to the public.

The following are 2 video links you might enjoy watching.

YouTube Liberty in Fashion

YouTube BBC TV Makes

The show was packed with opportunities for people to learn. The open live lounge and all the workshops were full and busy every day.

But for me, the highlight was seeing the garments that Glenda and I sent to McCall’s actually being modeled on the catwalk. It is a shame I cannot post the videos with the music (due to copyright restrictions) because the music really was very appropriate for the style of garments. I have however included a touch of it in the Dresses video. I was touched that immediately after one of the catwalks (which occurred 3 times each day) someone rushed over to ask for the pattern for the long dusky pink dress which some of you may remember was made for Heather last year.

Below are 3 very short video clips of the Sure-Fit Designs garments that were modeled in the daily catwalk.  You must take a look...Just click on the links below.

YouTube SFD Dresses

YouTube SFD Casual

YouTube Full Catwalk Show

It was a very memorable event for me being the first Great British Sewing Bee Live exhibition, having the opportunity to represent Sure-Fit Designs in the UK, having the pleasure of meeting so many of our SFD customers in person (some of whom I have only previously known by name and not by face) and also receiving such positive feedback from visitors…

..and now a rest…oh no, got to start preparing for the Sewing For Pleasure Exhibition at the Birmingham National Exhibition Centre in March 2018.

Judith Johnson - Sure-Fit Designs distributor - serving the UK, Ireland and the EU countries.

Thanks so much Judith for following up and sharing your Sewing Bee experiences with our SFD blog followers.  As I said before...sure wish I could have been there!

Glenda...the Good Stitch

Oct 3, 2017

Sept 2017 Fit & Sew Retreat - a Photo Story

The September Sure-Fit Designs Fit & Sew Retreat, with another 6 lovely ladies, concluded 9/21.  I've put together some photos of their journey from Day 1 when we began 3 days of Pants Fitting and concluded with 3 days of Bodice Fitting. 

We had a variety of fitting issues, but all came out at the end with patterns that fit their unique body shapes.  Here's a selection of photos representing their journey.

Day 1 - the group photo

Then we began the bodice/blouse drafting & sewing.

The final group shot during our Celebration and Certificate event.

Happy accomplished students.
Well done everyone!