Oct 13, 2019

Look what I found?

Wrapped in Fabrique - a best selling book on fabric embellishment, applique and machine embroidery - an exclusive offer for you our valued Sure-Fit Designs customer.  Read the story!  (I want a personally signed copy)

A few weeks ago, we embarked on a Spring cleaning and reorganization of Sure-Fit Designs office (I know… it’s really Fall cleaning, but whatever the season, it was long overdue!).

I’m sure you can relate to the shock and amazement of the stuff you find when you finally get around to sorting through stuff that has been stashed away in the recesses of cupboards and closets. From fashion art prints to rotary telephones and cords that went to who knows what, we had it all! However, a very pleasant surprise was in store for me as well. Way back in a bottom cupboard, in an unmarked box, I found copies of a book I had written in 1994. Well, it certainly felt like a blast from the past and I had to smile a bit at the fashion style back then.  

Remembering my feelings of accomplishment on publishing this book, but questioning its relevance for today’s seamstresses, I showed it to my office assistant who had a different perspective on it. Her thoughts were not that of a “blast from the past” but rather, “Timeless Techniques”, and you know, I think she has a point. After all, a Cornelly Stitch is still a Cornelly Stitch no matter what decade you stitch it. A quick search on Pinterest using terms such as fabric texturing, Applique’, and fabric embellishment showed me that there is a huge resurgence of this art form. Whether it is used in quilting, home décor, accessories or stunning clothing statements, the craft is alive, well and thriving. 
If you are interested in learning the techniques involved in creating beautiful fabric scenes and would like the instruction to come from none other than ‘Yours Truly’, we are offering the remaining copies of this 176 page, out-of-print book at a special discount. We have only 35 copies and when they are gone, they’re gone. It will never be reprinted. Here’s how easy it is to get your copy...just click on the link ‘I want that book’. The cost is $10.95 (originally $25.95) and we will pay for the shipping. 

Oh, by the way, yours will be a personally signed copy by Glenda the Good Stitch!

Wrapped in Fabrique by Glenda Sparling (Glenda the Good Stitch)
Apply the techniques taught to dresses, blouses, jackets, vest and even pants.  Get ready to explore the process of fabric embellishment with machine embroidery and Applique’!

Here’s how easy it is to get your copy...just click on the link ‘I want that book’. The cost is $10.95 (originally $25.95) and we will pay for the shipping.  
Happy Embellishing!
Glenda the Good Stitch 


1 comment:

  1. Wrapped in Fabrique by Glenda Sparling is an awesome book. I am already a fan of Glenda the one and best embroidery digitizing artist and designer.
